Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Response to Courage Campaign

I sent a question to the Courage Campaign asking them what steps are being taken to endorse Mayor Gavin Newsom as Governor of California. I was asking this, not only to see if they were going to publicly speak about him and the importance of voting for him, but to also volunteer. This is the response I received:

Dear Patricia,

Thank you for your support of the Courage Campaign!

Whereas we certainly hope that our members would research and actively support the candidates they believe best able to bring progressive change, the Courage Campaign does not endorse candidates or their committees.

We believe our strength comes in holding our elected officials accountable on the issues, and that our efficacy is greatest when we stand up, courageously, in support for what is best for our state and country.


Andy Kelley
Courage Campaign
I was disappointed to say the least, especially when they state that our efficacy is greatest when we stand up, courageously, in support for what is best for our state and country. Isn't this a paradox?

Last year in November I was angry and I felt like a second hand citizen. I went to every protest possible. While protesting along side of us were heterosexual couples and people telling us that if they knew how we would be affected in that campaign they would have voted no. They were also surprised in the number of us. I remember at one protest, in front of City Hall. I had to move my car, the people that worked in the buildings came out and they were saying "good for them". Some were saying, "I didn't know they were so many". I also attended town hall meetings and received information as to what went wrong. They said we didn't contribute our money from the onset, we were not visible from the onset, and we did not get involved from the onset. I made those mistakes. I don't want to make them again.

I look at my twitter and the re-tweets are all the same, a cause happening in another country, someone getting hurt in another state and the past politics that are already being covered by the media. This is all good, to keep informed, but what about starting to educate our brothers and sisters as to why we need to unite and make a difference in California.

Let's begin with the CEO of Ebay running against the Mayor. Are we aware how much money she contributed to Proposition 8? Have we in fact forgotten who contributed to Proposition 8? They weren't just people that lived in California. Now is the time to unite and get others outside of California to contribute. To start signing up to volunteer. To start publicly speaking FOR the Mayor and to start mobilizing for next year. They already have stated he is behind. They are already talking about his private life and they are already mentioning that he supported us in equality.

Basic political science is that all the small states look at us for progression and for hope in their state. Let's make a difference. I will end with a quote from Harvey Milk:
It's not my victory, it's yours and yours and yours. If a gay can win, it means there is hope that the system can work for all minorities if we fight. We've given them hope.

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